
The Forum offers a 10-week seminar that begins with a review of the Biblical basis for government. It examines our Christian heritage from the early settlers to our birth as a nation, with a focus on the enduring values that guided our Founding Fathers. It then reviews ways in which we have strayed from the “Original Intent” of our beginnings. Finally, it offers suggestions for how we can reclaim our heritage and return to America’s founding principles.

Sessions are held from 7:00 PM each Tuesday, Oct. 7 through Dec. 9 on the banks of beautiful Lake Shenandoah. The cost is $25 per person, or $30 per couple. Registration is required by contacting the Forum at or at (540) 438-8966.


America’s Godly Heritage Tour: Washington DC: Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014

You are invited to join the Valley Family Forum for the 8th annual “America’s Godly Heritage Tour” of Washington DC. This is a one-day guided tour of Washington’s key historic sites and buildings that bear the imprint of our Godly Heritage, chiseled in its stone and emblazoned on its walls. The chartered bus will leave Harrisonburg at 6:00 AM and return at 9:00 PM. The cost of $30 includes transportation, tour guide, and information about and access to all sites.   Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more.  For reservations, contact the Forum at or call (540) 438-8966.