Crossroads: Rosaria Butterfield, an Unlikely Convert, Part III


On Valley Radio This Weekend, April 1-2,
or Online HERE Anytime


“The more I read the Bible, the more it convicted me.  I battled against it, but I couldn’t escape.  It was bigger than I.”  (Dr. Rosaria Butterfield)

“The Bible created in me a clash of world views.  As a result, the walls of self-pride came down, and the Bible became an open highway to God.”  (Butterfield)

“My past haunted me, and repentance was and continues to be a daily battle.  But it gives glory to God and is the fruit of my life as I live in the shadow of His embrace.”  (Butterfield)

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Dr. Rosaria Butterfield:  In Her Own Words


By way of background, two weeks ago Pastor Todd Pruitt from Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg was our guest on Crossroads to discuss a book written by Dr. Butterfield entitled The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.  It’s a powerful story that is continued in her second book entitled Openness Unhindered.  We aired Part I of her story on our Crossroads radio programs at that time.

Then, with Dr. Butterfield’s permission, last week we aired Part II of that story which she told to a spellbound audience at Covenant Presbyterian Church.   She held nothing back.

That brings us to Part III of her presentation, which we are airing this weekend.  It’s a continued story of her battle with self-pride; of her struggle with same-sex attractions; of her hardened resistance to the Bible; and finally, how she came to repentance and a full surrender of her life to God.

Once again, prepare to be challenged, encouraged, and inspired by her story – and how it can become everyone’s story, even though the details may be very different.


Review:  From Catholic to Secular to LGBT Activist


To review, she was raised in a Catholic home and taught in a Catholic school.  She went on to get a Ph. D. from Ohio University in English Literature and Culture Studies.  That led to her becoming a tenured Professor of English and Women’s Studies at Syracuse University.  It was a good life.

During that time, she found herself attracted to other women.  She declared herself as a lesbian and worked to advance the cause of feminism and LGBT “equality” through her teaching and community activism.  It was her life.  She recoiled against her Catholic background and against any mention of the name of Jesus.


The Train Wreck:  A Clash of World Views


Then came a sharp turn in her life, which she describes as a “train wreck”.  Over an extended period of time and a painful series of twists and turns, she came under the patient and loving friendship of an elderly pastor and his wife.

She was drawn to the Bible and, inevitably, confronted with a clash of world views.  She was particularly challenged by the powerful words of Romans, chapter one.  “It took my breath away!”  She became convicted of her sin, repented of it, and surrendered her life to Christ.

That produced another sharp turn in her life.  She left her teaching position, married a church pastor, became the home-school mother of four adopted children and, in her spare time, is also a nationally known author and speaker.


Crossroads:  Where Faith and Culture Meet


It’s all on Crossroad’s radio this weekend, airing on the following Valley stations:  WBTX (1470 AM and 102.1 FM), today (Saturday) at 4:00 p.m. and again on Sunday at 7:30 a.m., followed by WSVA (550 AM and 92.1 FM) at 8:30, ESPN (1360 AM and 106.9 FM) at 9:00, and WNLR (1150) at 11:30.

If you missed any of these broadcasts or would like to hear them again, you can also listen online at and click on the Crossroad’s link on the home page.  To learn more about Dr. Butterfield, or to order copies of her books, go to

We deeply appreciate your prayers, your encouragement, and your financial support of these programs.  All gifts are tax-deductible and can be sent by check to Crossroads at PO Box 881, Harrisonburg, 22803.

Thank You, on behalf of the Crossroads team, and for God and Country!
