Crossroads: The WHO Treaty vs. US Sovereignty and our Freedom


On Valley Radio This Weekend, April 29-30,
or Online HERE Anytime


“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” 
(Amendment X of the US Constitution.)

“Article V of the US Constitution allows the states to call a Convention of States to propose constitutional amendments that would limit federal power and jurisdiction, and impose fiscal restraints on the federal government.  Such amendments can put big government back in its constitutional box and restore power to the states and to the people.”

“Government is not inclined to limit its own power and thus needs outside help to do so.  As one former VA legislator put it, ‘There’s no such thing as a self-butchering hog.’ ”
A Convention of States Response

“Article VI of the Constitution also states that all treaties made under the authority of the US shall be the Supreme Law of the land.”

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Background: Our Crossroads program this weekend features host Rita Peters and Special Guest Mike Farris, who will tackle a new challenge to American sovereignty, independence, and authority, as well as to our own personal freedoms.  Both of them are constitutional experts, and Farris has especially broad experience in international affairs, not only to help resolve legal conflicts in America itself but also between America and other nations, including in the form of treaties such as we have today.

Mike Farris: That is why Farris is so well qualified to take on a new international law challenge to America, drawing on his experience as the founding president of the Home School Legal Defense Association and of Patrick Henry College; as cofounder of Convention of States Action; and as President, CEO, and President, CEO, and General Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, which is one of the world’s premier authorities for the protection of unborn life, human rights, home school opportunities, and religious freedom for all Americans.

The New Challenge:  Our challenge today comes in the form of a proposed World Health Organization Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that threatens American sovereignty in determining US policies, regulations, and laws on how to respond to various national and international crises that can include health pandemic breakouts in the land.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration supports this dangerous WHO “Treaty”, which it refers to euphemistically as an “executive agreement” and which regrettably is supported by all three branches of our government.  And that’s the problem.  If approved, this Treaty will override all national and local laws that do not coincide with their policies, even though they would be in violation of our own Constitutional and Supreme Court provisions and a requirement for Senate approval.

Our Response:  So what is the solution for resolving this new UN World Health Agency threat to our national sovereignty and individual freedoms?  How can we resist its efforts to force the US and other nations to comply with its demands for how to respond to local health and other challenges? What is the remedy for fixing this growing conflict?

A Remedy, the Convention of States:  Both Rita and Mr. Farris, joined by other leaders of the Convention of States, point to the COS as the best way to respond this threat.  For example, the COS and ADF have already joined other like-minded groups in opposing our own government’s past  efforts to close churches during the COVID crisis, contrary to the first amendment guaranties for freedom of religion and speech.  As Farris states so bluntly, our founding fathers would shake our government leaders by the shirt collar if they do not fight to defeat this “Treaty”.

As noted above, COS aims in general at limiting the power and jurisdiction of government in various ways and at restoring federal powers to the states and to individuals, as our founding fathers envisioned in the Constitution, and which can and should be restored under Article V.  You can learn more about the Convention of States at www.conventionofstates,com.

On top of this, as people of faith, we also look to God as our ultimate authority, not to civil bureaucrats in the UN who have no respect for our religious beliefs. We cannot bow down to any civil demands that violate God’s laws.

More information on Valley Radio: Finally, to hear more about this serious WHO threat to America’s sovereignty, to our freedoms, and also about how we can respond to it, please join Rita and her guest Mike Farris this weekend on the following Valley radio stations:  WBTX (1470 AM and 102.1 FM) today (Saturday) at 4:00 p.m. and again on Sunday at 7:30 a.m., followed by WSVA (550 AM and 92.1 FM) at 8:30, ESPN (1360 AM and 106.9 FM) at 9:00, and on WNLR (1150) at 11:30.

However, if you miss the broadcast, or want to hear it again, go to and click on the Crossroad’s link located on the home page.

We deeply appreciate your prayers, your encouragement, and your continued financial support of these programs.  Crossroads is almost entirely listener supported.  Therefore, if you would like to help, you can do so by check to Crossroads at PO Box 881, Harrisonburg, 22803.  All donations are tax-deductible. In addition, we would welcome your comments on this and other programs, which you can send to the same address.

From the Crossroads Team, for God and Country!


Working and Walking Together, We Can Make a Difference!