Eight Ways to Help Advance Kingdom Values in the Culture and Public Square


The Forum’s mission is to inform and mobilize the Valley in a variety of ways, such as those noted below.  All of this requires financial support, which is provided entirely by those who share our concerns and our vision.  The Forum is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all gifts are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged with a written letter of appreciation that serves as an official receipt.



1. Television:   Valley Faith in Action TV program, which features guests who can encourage and inspire viewers to put their faith into action!

2.  Outreach:  Expand our Valley network through the web site, the internet, mailings, and media with quality materials that advance Life, Faith, Family, and Freedom issues.

3.  Special Programs:  Host guest presentations by nationally known groups such as Liberty Counsel, Wallbuilders, Alliance Defending Freedom, Providence Foundation, and the Family Research Council (FRC).

4.  Seminars:  Fund public education and mobilization programs such as the Capstone and America’s Godly Heritage Seminars, displays at County Fairs, and other civic events and forums.

5.  Voter Drives:  Assist and help distribute Voter Guides, Report Cards, and other legislative efforts and events.

6.  Pastor Support:  Sponsor Valley pastors for special events in Washington, Richmond, and other venues, like “Watchmen on the Wall” briefings by FRC.

7.  Salutes:  Continue annual Salute to the Family Celebration Dinners with speakers like Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore and David Barton from Wallbuilders.

8.  S.E.E.D. – This is all summed up in our call to Sow, Educate, Expand, and Direct programs that will help restore and preserve the Judeo-Christian values and Constitutional principles on which American was founded and has prospered.


To help support the work of the Forum with a special gift, please mail a check payable to the Valley Family Forum

PO Box 881, Harrisonburg, VA 22803.



“Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.”  Ps. 127:1