Calendar Update: Two January Events!
First Friday and March for Life to DC
First Friday Lunch with Delegates Landes and Wilt
1. Fri., Jan. 5: The Harrisonburg/Rockingham First Friday lunch will be held at 12:00 at the Wood Grill Buffet, 1711 Reservoir St., Harrisonburg.
The speakers will be Delegates Steve Landes and Tony Wilt, representing large areas of Augusta and Rockingham Counties in the VA General Assembly, which convenes next Wednesday and remains in session until March 10.
Both men have strong leadership records in support of our core Judeo-Christian values and constitutional principles. These include defending the Sanctity of Life and promoting Faith, Family, Quality Education and School Choice, Religious Freedom, Limited Government, and Fiscal Discipline.
Throughout the GA, they and all other members of the Valley delegation in the House and the Senate will need our support and encouragement.
For lunch reservations, contact Donna Moser at 540-432-1750 or write to
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March for Life in DC
2. Friday, Jan. 19: Sign up now for the 44th annual March for Life on Washington, where we will join thousands for other marchers from across the country in taking a stand for life. The theme for this year’s march is “Love Saves Lives”.
We will call on the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court to reverse the tragically misguided 1973 Supreme Court decision that “legalized” abortion in America and to support laws that protect all innocent human life – from conception to natural death.
We need to encourage all those who are pro-life to keep their pledge to welcome the unborn in life and to protect them in law. We also need to urge others who claim to be “pro-choice” to face the truth about life honestly and to join the ranks of pro-life voters around the country.
At the end of the March, we will also hear the heart-wrenching testimonies of courageous women who will be “Silent No More” about the pain and enduring regret of their abortions.
A bus will leave from Blessed Sacrament Church in Harrisonburg at 8:00 a.m., with the possibility of additional stops, as needed, and return around 8:00 p.m. The cost is $20/person. Times and costs are subject to change, so please stay tuned.
For more information, please call the Forum at (540) 564-3779 or write to
For Life, for God, and for Country!