Reserve Now! Early Bird Table Seating Now Available


“Celebration of Liberty” Dinner, May 20, at JMU


jmuWhat, When, and Where

This is our First Call for Early Bird table reservations to the 15th annual Shenandoah Valley dinner, which will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., May 20, at the JMU Festival Conference and Student Center in Harrisonburg.  Our theme is “A Celebration of Liberty”!

Keynote Speaker

Our speaker is Horatio (Harry) Mihet, Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel with Liberty Counsel, an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing Religious Freedom, the Sanctity of Life, and the Family.

Mr. Mihet grew up in communist Romania under great persecution where his father pastored 17 churches, most of them underground.  At the age of 12, he participated in the Revolution of 1989 that led to the overthrow of the regime — and came to the United States shortly thereafter.

After graduating from Duke University School of Law, he worked for two of the largest law firms in the country before joining Liberty Counsel in 2008 to help defend religious freedom.

Since then, he has participated in many critical cases, including the defense of pro-life activists; high school administrators charged with the crime of “praying”; and others like Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis – all of whom were dragged into court for exercising their religious beliefs.

Mr. Mihet has also appeared on countless national television outlets, including CNN, Fox News, CBS, NBC, ABC, as well as numerous radio programs.

They’re Back:  Southern Hospitality!

By popular demand, the Southern Hospitality men’s ensemble is returning to provide an inspiring medley of patriotic and spiritual selections.  The program will also include presentation of our prestigious Wilberforce and Daniel awards.  You will be surprised!

Early Bird Table Reservations

This call is only for Early Bird table reservations, which are for eight people at $25/person for a total of $200.   To confirm your reservation, simply reply by return e-mail or call us at (540) 438­-8966.  You can provide names of the other table guests later.

Once confirmed, please send your check to the Valley Family Forum at 3465 Izaak Walton Dr., Harrisonburg, 22801.

Note:  We will begin taking reservations for individual seating on April 1, so it is important to confirm your Early Bird table reservations as soon as possible for preferred seating.

For God and Country!
